Friday, December 22, 2006

Desparate husbands

Confesions of a desparate husband :

"My wife is always on a diet.
She usually starts the next day.. Once she looses 5 pounds she feels proud of herself but then she starts having candy snacks again and oooops.. the weight is on a limit-up course.
She once decided to go to a doctor and ask for advice.
The following conversation is real and took place at the doctor's office:
Wife : "Please doctor.. tell me.. how can i loose weight?"
Doctor : "It's very easy. With a little practice you will loose weight easily. I will show you the number one exercise every diet should include:
You will turn your head from the left side to the right..
then from the right side to your left..
then again to the right and so on"
Wife : "Sound like an easy one. And how often should i do this exercise?"
Doctor : "Whenever someone offers you food and until he takes that food away from your reach"

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